Friday, April 15, 2016

Kim, Minjeong/Unit 1 presentation/Wed 56

Here is my link:

It was my first time to watch my own presentation.
I realized that I said too much "ah..." and held index cards too high.
Instead of saying "ah..", I should practice to pause properly without being afraid of silence. 


  1. Think I saw the best presentation:>
    It was so great to give accents on conjunctions such as 'but, yet, also'. Emphasizing through those was meaningful and easy to understand what you gonna tell about.
    I envy your pronunciation actually, because it sounds really clearly!
    Also content of your presentation was great, too. Giving the audience Andrea Bocelli's life, choronologial order was effective because everybody wouldn't know about him.
    Despite of some mistakes, your presentation continued smoothly:) LOOK SO PROFESSIONAL!!
    p.s. like your cute eyebrow-moving:)

  2. Comment by Yoon Jae Kim:

    Your presentation is close to perfection. It is well organized and easy to understand. Your eye contact and smile make audiences focus on your presentation. Also, your clear pronunciation and speed of talking are another praiseworthy points.
