Monday, April 18, 2016

Jiyoung Lee/Unit 1/Wed56

Here's my link :


It was a first time for me to present in English for 5min in university. So I forgot how to prepare it..


I wrote 2pages of script, and it was too much. After I watched my peers presentation,

 I realized that I put too much information! (I wrote twice as much information as other people)

Not only it was very hard work for me but also I couldn't memorize the script completely...

And had fear of couldn't finishing it  in time.

But I learned how to prepare presentation! by watching other peers pt.


 So If I have a chance to present again, I expect that I will be a better presenter than now.

 Although it was quite streneous, It was very meaningful experience! 





  1. Date : 22 Apr 16
    Speaker: Lee, Ji-young
    Evaluator: Jeong, Woo-joon
    Title : A person I admire

    1. What strong points does the speaker have?
    Clear and calm voice with visual aids were enough for me to concentrate on her presentation

    2. How well did the audience get to know the speech subject?
    The subject was straight forward.

    3. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    Well prepared.

    4. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    Loud and clear.

    5. Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    Yes. Personal idea opens the presentation then followed by the Michael’s life story and the reason why she admires him.

    6. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes/eye contact.
    Generally good eye contacts with audience. Sometimes she saw the floor when she tried to remember what she wanted to say but that’s just one time and very short..

    7. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    Her presentation was well organized and delivered by calm voice. It would have been better if she talked about why she admires the person a little more.

    8. What did you like about the presentation?
    She naturally started her presentation by connecting her personal connection with the subject.

  2. "SELF" Speaking Feedback
    Date : 4/22
    Speaker: Lee ji young
    Evaluator: Lee ji young 201502637 wed 56
    Title : MJ, the person I admire

    1. What strong points does the speaker have?
    I used quessing quize for the introduction, to improve audiences' concentration. and it somewhat impact effective. And audience also could remember his achievement while guessing. And I also used powerpoint many anecdotes while talk about his life story. it made the speech less boring

    2. How well did the audience get to know the speech subject?
    I talked about his lifestory, achievements and why I admire him a lot.

    3. Did the speech reflect adequate preparation?
    Well... frankly speaking. I don't think I prepared well. I wrote two pages of script and it was too much. It was my first presentation so I didn't know how much I speek.. and contains too many things using difficult vocabularies! So although I tried very hard to memorize it all, I couldn't memorized detail things (like 1995... or st like that)

    4. Did the speaker talk clearly and audibly?
    I tried hard to talk clearly. and volume up! I also watched my video, and I think I did well. but the speed was little fast... because the contents was a lot! although the time was limited.

    5. Did the speech have a definite opening, body, and conclusion?
    For opening, I used quize to attract their attention. And for the body.. I talked about his life, achievement and why I admire him. and for conclusion. I talked about my wish and desire.

    6. Please comment on the speaker’s use of notes/eye contact.
    I did eyecontact and tried to speak naturally. but I think I should more try to do this

    7. What could the speaker have done differently that would have improved the speech?
    he mentioned about his biography, and it was interesting. because I also read that book! It is impressive and includes many interesting anecdotes. If he used these, it would be more fun and also meaningful for us.

    8. What did you like about the presentation?
    It left much to be desired. But I did my best. I will refer this feedback for my next speech, and it would be better.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Evaluator: SeonJoo An
    After watching the video, I thought that she gave a great presentation with clear and well-organized visual aids. Also, she made an interesting opening of the presentation by making a quiz about the person whom she admires and asks the audiences to guess about the answer. I think this was very interesting and was good way to catch the attention of the audiences to the presentation. Her voice was loud enough to be heard since she used the mic. However, it could have been a better presentation, if she had more of various gestures and accents on some important words or sentences.
